
Zoe‘s configuration files are found in the etc/ directory. These are the base files you will find there:          Script to set environment variables
zoe-users.conf          Zoe users configuration
zoe.conf                Configuration of agent ports and topics


The script sets several variables such as the server host, twitter credentials, jabber information, etc. It has the following content:

# Typical values
export ZOE_SERVER_HOST=localhost
export ZOE_SERVER_PORT=30000

# Get this from twitter
export zoe_twitter_consumer_key="..."
export zoe_twitter_consumer_secret="..."
export zoe_twitter_access_token="..."
export zoe_twitter_access_token_secret="..."

# Parameters for Google Talk
export zoe_jabber_host=""
export zoe_jabber_port="5222"
export zoe_jabber_user="..."
export zoe_jabber_password=""

# Parameters for a GMail account
export zoe_mail_smtp=""
export zoe_mail_smtp_port="587"
export zoe_mail_pop3=""
export zoe_mail_pop3_port="995"
export zoe_mail_enable_dkim="false"
export zoe_mail_user="$zoe_jabber_user"
export zoe_mail_password="$zoe_jabber_password"

You should never give Zoe your own twitter/jabber credentials. Create a new account if you intend to use them.

  • The information required to connect to a Twitter account can be obtained from the Twitter profile.
  • By default, the Jabber and GMail accounts use the same credentials due to the Google Talk (Hangouts) service using Jabber. You can use other Jabber service and email provider if you wish so.


The zoe-users.conf file follows this structure:

[subject admin]
name = Admin
twitter = your twitter name without @
preferred = twitter
jabber =
mail =
alias = god master

[group admins]
members = admin

[group broadcast]
members = admin

Each user is identified using the [subject USER] tag and has the following attributes:

  • name: The user’s name (e.g. Zoe).
  • twitter: The user’s twitter username (e.g. gul_zoe).
  • preferred: The preferred way for Zoe to communicate with the user. Available values are twitter, jabber, mail.
  • jabber: The user’s jabber address. Note that if you are using Google Hangouts, the jabber addresses have the format If you don’t know this address, you may try speaking with Zoe through Jabber and getting the address from the logs.
  • mail: The user’s mail address.
  • alias: The user’s alias.

Some agents may use groups to send mails to several users at the same time or check for user permissions. Define a new group by using the scructure [group GROUPNAME] and adding its users to the members attribute.